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What Every Dog Owner Needs To Know About Paw Hygiene

What Every Dog Owner Needs To Know About Paw Hygiene

As if Mother Nature hasn’t created a harsh enough environment for animals we humans go ahead and pave it over. We create a world that suits us and our cars but does not take into account our pet’s frailties. I am talking about burned pads on the hot blacktop in the summer or from pad destroying snow-melt chemicals used on the blacktop in the winter.

We think of dogs as being better equipped than we are. As if their pads aren’t flesh and nerves just like our feet. But although they may be suited to the terrain, nature did not create them for the scorching hot blacktop parking lot in the summer or the snow-melt chemicals used on it in the winter.

Before you jump for cleaning dog paws, let me drop a few facts on you. 


Summer Dangers

When the air temp is 85 degrees the asphalt can be 143! And dogs’ pads burn at temperatures over 120 degrees Fahrenheit. At 140 degrees there will be permanent damage and blistering at 150.

Additional dangers include:

Lawn care chemicals

  • Dog run illnesses
  • Bacteria, virus, and fungus
  • Allergies
  • Burrs
  • Sand Rash
  • Hot Sand
  • Rough pool surrounds


Winter Dangers

Repeated exposure to road salt will dry a dog’s skin leading to irritation and cracked paws. To make matters worse dogs will lick and ingest these chemicals. This can cause gastrointestinal problems like vomiting and diarrhea.  Prolonged exposure to snow-melt can cause chemical burns. Some snow-melt chemicals can burn your dog’s pads clean off.

Frostbite and snowballing are problems dogs encounter when out in the snow. When a ball of snow or ice build-up between the pads it causes pain like having a stone in your shoe.


Wait, what? GERMS?

I sanitize my hands 100 times a day. Are you saying I need to do the same for my dogs’ paws? Yup, it’s a thing. I bet you didn’t know that almost all dogs’ paws carry E.coli! Your dog’s paw carries on average more than one virus, bacteria, and even fungus. And they track it all over. I’m sure you’re thinking about your cute fur ball lying on your pillow right now. Inside Edition covered this topic very well with shocking lab results and mind-blowing UV blacklight images in this report  In their report, they swabbed some pet dogs and found Bordetella, E.coli, Listeria, Pseudomonas, and Staph.



OK, so it’s a dangerous world for a dog. What can I do about it?

At Pawz we specialize in paw care solutions. A Newsweek magazine survey recognized Protex PawZ as one of America’s Best Petcare Brands of 2021.

Our products include Pawz Disposable Rubber Dog Boots, Sanipaw Paw Sanitizing and odor eliminating spray and wipes, and MaxWax paw wax and conditioner.


Dog Boots

Pawz disposable rubber dog boots provide outstanding paw protection that your dog will accept wearing. That is because, without a sole, these booties allow your dog’s paws to feel the ground, providing a surefooted sense of security year-round. They come with 12 reusable boots per pack.


Spray and Wipes

If you are wondering how to disinfect dog paws then Sanipaw spray and wipes can be your one-stop solution. Sanipaw paw sanitizing and odor eliminating wipes and spray is the non-toxic solution to sanitizing your dog after walks or after mixing it up with a skunk. Use either the spray or the wipes as often as you wish anywhere on your dog you wish, including around the eyes to kill 99.999% of bacteria, virus fungus, and odor. The antibacterial wash for dogs paws is completely safe and lickable. And works equally well on humans! Use it as a paw sanitizer or hand sanitizer or after handling garlic.


Paw Wax

MaxWax paw wax and conditioner create a hydrophobic barrier that offers amazing protection against the elements. MaxWax paw wax is made with an all-natural beeswax formula that will keep your dog’s sensitive paws protected and moisturized. No more dry, cracked, and irritated pads. 


Final Thought

When your dog lifts a paw off the ground that does not indicate that just one paw is hurting, just that he can’t lift more than one paw without falling over.

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